Stop giving away Care and Unlock Hidden NOI Now!

Stop giving away Care and Unlock Hidden NOI Now!


The Covid-19 pandemic was an incredibly challenging time for Senior Care operators and seniors living in care. Challenges came in all forms including resident safety, social isolation and staffing recruitment and retention, each negatively impacting the overall level of care provided to residents worldwide. Not only did care suffer but new financial pressures also slashed the NOI of Care Operators.

Senior Care Operators can now leverage innovative technology solutions to recover lost NOI and/or unlock unrealized NOI to improve operations and the bottom line. One example is a new approach to managing Care Levels.

Nxtgen’s Care Levels feature provides 24/7/365 care group and care package surveillance. It takes clinical and operational surveillance to the next level, employing industry specific proprietary algorithms. For the first time, operations can see where care is being given away.

What used to take months and multiple meetings now happens in real time thanks to forward looking industry specific algorithms. Our solutions are built by operators for operators.

The efficiencies of changing care packages in a recent client study demonstrated the following Care Operator outcomes dramatically impacting NOI while enhancing care.

  • Savings of $76,800.
  • Realizing new care package revenue in 7 days versus 46 days when relying on the typical approach.
  • New revenue gain of $53,000.

To unlock and boost NOI, learn more about the benefits of becoming a Certified Nxtgen Care Community!

The Nxtgen of Care is NOW!